Category Archives: Transgender Musings

Hosiery Choices !!


Like so many girls I simply adore sheer hosiery. In fact I can’t get enough of it and to me I am not properly dressed until I have some silky soft nylons on my legs. But there always comes a dilemma. Should it be tights (yes I am British so pantyhose just doesn’t sound right to me) or should it be stockings or even hold ups (not thigh highs please….)?

My preference all round it must be said is for tights – usually nude or barely black/nearly black, but sometimes stockings just seem to be the right choice for the occasion – say a quiet night in with my lovely girlfriend. But for day to day wearing tights are the obvious choice for me. They are comfortable and they are sheer and most importantly they don’t fall down. So with that in mind I have created a poll….

LGBT? Trans What?


I was wondering the other day just how confusing all the different Trans categories are, and also whether in fact Trans (with all its categories) needs to, or should be included with LGBT?

Lets just have a look at LGBT to start with. Firstly if you are L then by definition you are a Lesbian which means that you are a female attracted to females; similarly if you are G in the equation then you are a gay male who is attracted to men; and obviously if you are B you are attracted to both male and female and also very greedy 🙂 But T?? T for transgender is not a sexuality. It is a gender and therefore in my opinion the correct accronym for T should be MFT – in other words Male or Female or Trans. Then once that is ascertained you can then go on to look at the sexuality issue if you must – which then would be simply LGB !!

Now to those pesky Trans pigeon holes. Well I am transgendered so I have to fit in somewhere don’t I? I could be a crossdresser or a transvestite, or I could be a tgirl or t-girl or gurl or undergo transition and be transsexual. There are loads more inbetween – things such as genderqueer and pansexual and girlfag and guydyke. But why so many? People by their very nature are a diverse bunch and if you follow the thought behind labelling Trans people then you surely must apply that to cisgender people too. Therefore surely if anyone slightly deviates from the current accepted cisgender dress code then they must cease to fall into that category and become trans? Its not logical but if you think about it a woman in a pair of jeans would be crossdressing; a man in a sarong must be crossdressing too and therefore they should appear on the trans scale – but they don’t. Hmmmm